Sunday, 3 April 2011

Core Strength

Hey there,
Well I had to upload these 2 videos to show what I have using (as well as alternating with other online videos) to stretch my way through this journey. Within one week I can just about touch my head to my knee on my right side, which is such a massive change as the hamstrings and calf muscles are super tight. Poor Maggie has quite the effort trying to slowly ease through the multiple knots I have, ranging from the arch of my foot, to my bum, as for the last 4 months the leg has been guarding the knee. 
So I found that once I slowly stretched the legs and hips out, I am no longer waking with a limp and feel a little more aligned. I am so happy to see my usual flexibility coming back and am enjoying that not only am I strengthening the thigh muscles (the right one now fully contracts!), but I am working out the arms and core, as being a girl, I am petrified about the fact that I could so easily put on weight...bad huh?! I'm not going to let those abs waste away! I've had them since I was 15 and they are not going away unless I get preggies....and even after that the suckers will return!

Therefore, I thoroughly recommend these and the other Winsor Pilates. Yes, the old lady is looking a bit plastic in the face but I need to work on strengthening the core and apparently there is research out there combining core strength to ACL. For example, "the shift in hip range of motion towards internal rotation combined with the hip abductor imbalance may be associated with a position of ACL risk with internally rotated hips and valgus knees in female soccer players. Limitations in hip and core strength and range of motion may play a role in the disparity between the male and female rate of ACL injury." (Int J Sports Med 2009; 30(9))

Females are especially prone to ACL tear, mainly due to the fact that they are more lax than compared to men...and also because we are more hardcore...

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